Monday, May 31, 2010

addvertising movies

Nadia p's movie was about how they make pritty girls on bilboards and that alot of it is exsadurated. You wouldn't reconise who the person really was. the ad was to girls to tell them there is noting wrong with your imige. Those people had hours of makeup and then rearanged on the computer.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The giver 3 return of the questions

If I had a choice between being able to lie and being able to ask any question and get an answer I woud choce question. lieing is bad any way. I'm the sort of guy who asks alot of questions anyway too. You could find out lot of things. If you lie people might get anowied.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Giver 2 Jones stricks back

I feel alone, traped and I don't know what to do. What types of rules are these, dose every body folow them? I'm sure someone else see's things change. Have I lost Asher as a friend and what does everyone think of me. I hope this is a dream, I will have a great story to tell, if I still can tell.

from Jones

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


middle school boy

Interesting fetures
protection and coseness

The new light up jacket will be all the rage. With a water proof hood you'll be center stage. It's got big pockets for things to do. This jacket is the jacket for you.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Giver in 20 words

Lois lowry slips in important hints about the story. Jonas is going to have a ceremony and he is Apprehensive.