Monday, May 31, 2010

addvertising movies

Nadia p's movie was about how they make pritty girls on bilboards and that alot of it is exsadurated. You wouldn't reconise who the person really was. the ad was to girls to tell them there is noting wrong with your imige. Those people had hours of makeup and then rearanged on the computer.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The giver 3 return of the questions

If I had a choice between being able to lie and being able to ask any question and get an answer I woud choce question. lieing is bad any way. I'm the sort of guy who asks alot of questions anyway too. You could find out lot of things. If you lie people might get anowied.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Giver 2 Jones stricks back

I feel alone, traped and I don't know what to do. What types of rules are these, dose every body folow them? I'm sure someone else see's things change. Have I lost Asher as a friend and what does everyone think of me. I hope this is a dream, I will have a great story to tell, if I still can tell.

from Jones

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


middle school boy

Interesting fetures
protection and coseness

The new light up jacket will be all the rage. With a water proof hood you'll be center stage. It's got big pockets for things to do. This jacket is the jacket for you.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Giver in 20 words

Lois lowry slips in important hints about the story. Jonas is going to have a ceremony and he is Apprehensive.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Star Wars jedi apprentice the evil experiments

Star Wars Jedi Apprentice The Evil Experiments
Jude Watson

If you haven't seen episode 1 the phantom menace then you don't know whether Qui Gon gets out or not. Even if you do know it's exciting. The evil person behind it all is the scientist named Jenna Zan Arbor. She doesn't wont to hurt her Jedi subjects, just strap them down to a metal frame, hang them upside down in liquid, jab a thousand needles in to them, monitor there actions 24,7 and drain there blood for investigating.

Obi Won and Astri bring Didi back to Coruscant for treatment for the laser blast and Obi wants to go after Qui Gon. Astri wants to find who did this to so she can get revenge on the bounty hunter for shooting Didi. They go out together to gather clues and end up find the bounty hunters secret hiding place and name. They finally get the info they need from some bad criminals and find the scientists base but are unable to rescue Qui Gon. To Be Continued again.

I like this book because there are challenging foes and great characters.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


The crime in a mystery is when the villain strikes and does something against the law. It's when victims are picked on and it's the time in which the villain becomes a villain for he does something wrong. Without a crime there would be no victim, witness, villain, evidence and clues. Without those there are no suspects, alibis, red herrings, and the mystery that the detective is trying to solve. Without those there is no steps to follow or danger to avoid. And without those there will not be a surprise ending because it's BORING.

The detective is the good guy who goes off and solves the mystery. He finds all the important clues, he has the important jobs, he figures out the important plan, he finds the important villains and is very important. Without the detective the villain would win and take over the world or lose interest because there isn't any challenge. The other possibilities are the police go round trying to stop him and calling the army which then creates WW III just to find him.

The Villain is the bad guy of the mystery. He's the one who commits the crime and the one the good guys spend the whole story trying to figure out who he is and then capturing him. If there were no villain there would be no crime. If there was no crime, (see crime). They usually try to throw the detective off the trail by throwing a red herring at him so it takes him a wile to wipe all the fish oil off. He my also try and dispose of him if he's getting too close by throwing him into a trash can.

Victims are the people that the villains pick on. They could have been sent wrong information or even murdered. If you poke someone they are the victim of that poke. If there was no victim the villain would do nothing there for not becoming a villain, (If you wont to continue the chain look at Villain). pay attention signs or you my become a victim.

The suspects are people who could be the villain. every living thing is a suspect. They start with the univers and narrow it down to Earth where they narrow it down to humans. Then it is narrowed down to people who were involved in the crime because the villain was involved in it by cammiting it. One by one they narrow people off the list until they find the villain. But then the person isn't the villain because it's a surprise endding.

The suspense in a mystery is when the villain is trying to throw the detective in the trash can. The usual circumstances are car chase, an attempt of killing him, or a garbage dump. This usually occurs near the end or at the end or when he's near a garbage dump. It's a time when the people reading or watching are on the edge of their seats, and sometimes fall off and miss the exciting part or lose there place in the book.


In a mystery there is a problem that needs to be solved. In monk the crime was voodoo dolls sent to people that are going die and it needs to be solved. The detective is monk and he needs to solve it. The villain is the bad guy who sends the voodoo dolls around and has a motive to do it. Alibies are when people say evidence to prove they weren't the villein. Victims are the people which get picked on by the villain and sent a voodoo doll. suspects are people who could be the villain and were involved in the voodoo dolls. there is a bit of danger to keep monk occupied. a red herring is a fish and a saying for when a villain throws suspicion on another suspect. A Witness is a person who sees the crime. Evidence is the dolls, the persons belongings, the surroundings, everything to do with the crime. Clues are the pieces of evidence or ideas that lead you to the villain. the steps are the steps monk would take to find the villain. Sometimes there is a surprise ending.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The Plastiki is a metal frame with 12,000 gas filled bottles for flotation and is not only a boat but a message to people to save the water and environment of plastic waste. It's powered by a wind turbine, solar panels and a bicycle like generator. Plastic gets brittle over time and breaks down but doesn't disappear. Instead it becomes tiny molecules and is absorbed by the fish.

After 2 years of planning the boat is finished and is ready for it's voyage from San Fransisco to Sydney. The crew don't care if they get there or not because they have already raised the problem to the public.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Vocab Words

cask: a wooden container that holds drinks

cynical: a person who is negative about every thing

provisions: food supplies for a trip

subvert: sabotage some one's plan because you don't wont them to do it, it's usually a bad word

accumulate: when something is gaining allot of stuff

congregate: for lots of things come together

ominous: something that makes you think some thing bad is going to happen

contradict: to disagree with someone

adversary: a serious opponent

flabbergast: an overwhelming positive thing

Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti Disaster part 2

There is a lot of violence in Haiti now because they don't have enough food and resources for everyone. People are fighting over the food which the helpers give out. Rescuers are still searching a lot of buildings for survivors or bodies. Every day more helpers come to Haiti, mostly from USA because they are one of the closest countries.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti Disaster

Haiti Disaster

The disaster here has crumpled buildings and kill hundreds. Many people are injured and have lost there homes. You don't need much to wipe out the community here let alone an earthquake of 7 on the rickdascale and otheres following.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Beast Quest Vedra and Krimon Twin Beasts of Avantia

Vedra and Krimon Twin Beasts of Avantia
Adam Blade

After Tom frees the 6 beasts of avantia a 7 and 8 are hatched from a single egg. The new born beasts must be escorted to the nabouring country Rion where they will grow up and some day become good beasts of avantia. What beater duo to choose then Tom and Eleana, Storm is sick and Silver wont's to stay with him. The other beasts say good bye as Ferno, Epos, Vedra, Krimon, Eleana and tom set out on there quest. Getting to Rion is easy but making the beasts safe is another mater as Tom and Eleana find out when they encounter a volcano, huge maze, the not so huge valley of fire not as dramatic as it seems, and the first encounter of Toms Archenemies Seth. Will Malvel get the beast on his side forever?

Interesting facts, at the end of the book Ferno stays with Vedra and Krimon till the rest of their training to become a good beast. But in the next series, the second book has Ferno come to help to against Claw so it takes one whole book for Vedra and Krimon to finish training. Also its the Kings birthday and in Arachnid it's also king Hugo's birthday so it takes a year for Tom to defeat Zepha, Claw, Soltra, and Vipero.

Beast Quest Arax the Soul Stealer

Arax the Soul Stealler
Adam Blade

Arax the Soul Stealler has been going round, you gessed it, sucking souls out with his wip. His latest victom, the good wizerd of Avantia Aduro. Tom tracks him down with the magic map and goes towords the mountains, interesting thing is Tom says that he gose to the mauntains to the west meaning Ferno's Moutains. When Tom meets him Tom gets hit by the wip, but insted of going insan it makes a evil duplacet Tom and so he calls Ferno himself. A brave boy, a girl with arrows, and a fire beathing dragon vs a boy equily maching the other and a soul sucking bat-beast crip with a wip. Will Aduro's soul be saved? I'm not going to tell you am I.

Beast Quest Sephir the Storm Monster

Sephir the Storm Monster
Adam Blade

Every generation the hero of avantia and his arch nemesis must battle for the book of worlds. Tom is obviously the hero and it turns out Seth is his arch nemesis, each must choose one beast to battle with and the only other people are the hero's friends. But every one knows that Malvel likes to cheat so Sethrina comes to join the battle, Seth chooses Claw, Vipero and Trillion which combine to make a super beast, and Sephir comes and steals the book.

It's a good book but it seams to be placed after Tom fights trillion, before Seth terns into a scorpion and not in Gorgonia. In other words it can't excised in the same time line as the other books. Unless Tom, Eleana, Storm and silver suddenly forget about the gateway to Gorgonia, start aimlessly walk around the grassy plains and go back when this story is done.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas Holidays

Family and Movies

I had two family members come over to my house during break, my grandpa and my auntie. We played card games and went out for tea in a restaurant, it was fun. I also watched three movies that I had not seen before. I watched Alvin and the chipmunks 2, Princess and the frog and Indiana Jones and the crystal skull. Alvin was OK, it had good songs and a good story line. Princess and the frog was really good. It was about a girl who wonted a restaurant and is working her pants off to get it and a prince that is broke and goes around having fun and lazing around. Indiana Jones and the crystal skull is a good movie also and has a lot of action, adventure and laughs plus a great story line.