Thursday, October 1, 2009

10 sentensects

  1. I am good being a VENTRILOQUIST in front of a crowd.
  2. I think the bush is VAST but my friend thinks it's got to many rocks.
  3. My friend likes BELLOWING at my house.
  4. When she hit her head she was in MORTAL danger until the ambulance came.
  5. That boy is MALICIOUS at break time.
  6. My friend is IDLY on Saturday
  7. I made a BLUNDER when I put the cups on the hot frying pan
  8. The homework is OVERWHELMING at my school.
  9. The river is sometimes RAMPANT so we don't play in it.
  10. The math problem was so PERPLEXING I gave up on it.

1 comment:

Michael said...

These are fine sentences, Stuart. You seem to have a strong grasp of these words. Can you begin to move them into your spoken and written vocabulary? That would be a fine goal, if you could.