Tuesday, November 10, 2009

the water treatment plant

Last week my class went to the Water Treatment Plant. There we saw how the water in Jakarta is filtered to make it clean so that lots of people can get clean drinking water.

The first stage is to filter out the big pieces of rubbish. They do this by putting in a big grid and then some smaller ones to get some other sizes of rubbish.

Then they add chemicals and mixes it up to get lots of flock. they also have some filters here to get big amounts of flock.

The water then enters lots of huge pools in which the water settles and the flock goes to the bottom. the water on the top then goes trough holes at the top.

The water then travails to huge tanks with lairs and lairs of sand, rock, gravel, and other things to filter out the remaining of the dirt.

Thanks to this water treatment program you have clean drinking water to drink.


Michael said...

Well done, Stuart. I hope you understand the process as clearly as this writing shows. It seems you've got the concept well in hand. I wonder if you'll recognize any connections when it comes to the Bintaro Lama kampung?

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